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The Scheduling Board

The Scheduling Board (previously known as the Dispatch Board) is a versatile tool in Ankota that you will likely work with daily. Schedules can be updated here and issues with visits will be flagged for your review at this location as well. 

General Functionality

Accessing the Board

You can access this board by clicking on the left-hand menu, selecting Scheduling, then clicking on Scheduling Board. On a macro level, the screen presents a color-coded schedule of each client and caregivers' visits for the week. On the top left section of the board is the dial-in number your team will use to report visits. 


You can move forward or back a week by using the -1w/+1w function, or use the calendar icon to pick a specific time frame.


You will also see a menu cluster with a series of functions such as Find Matching Caregiver, Find by Address, Select Caregivers, etc. 


Clock-in Times

Please note that for clock-in times, the actual clock-in/clock-out times are visible rather than the scheduled times for the visit.  The times are adjusted as the caregiver clocks in as well as when they clock out.  

Calendar Alerts 

Unclosed Visits 

If you see a client's name in red in the calendar section, this is an alert letting you know that there is something for you to investigate.


Hover your mouse over the name to see the information about the visit, including the specific reason for the alert. 


Closed Visits 

When a visit is closed but there is an issue that violates one of your business rules, a magnifying glass will appear after the client’s name in the visit block. A visit with a magnifying glass will bring you to the Visit Detail Report. From there, this feature allows you to select either Approve Billing and Payroll, Approved for Payroll, or Approved for Billing. 

A red magnifying glass represents a minor records issue that needs correction, such as a change in telephone number. A black magnifying glass represents a major issue that needs correction, one that would prevent billing. 

Reasons for flagged entries could be: 

To review the issue, click on the magnifying glass. 


A new tab will open with all the details of the visit. 


The issues creating the red magnifying glass will be recorded in red text, as shown in the above example.  

Click Override on the far right to manually adjust the errors.   You can repeat this action for each exception.


To approve the Override, click Approval Notes.


A pop-up will appear to allow an Approved Reason. Select one from the drop-down menu and add notes as needed. 


Click Approve to save. 

After the exceptions have been approved, the magnifying glass on the Schedule Board will turn white.  This will indicate that there was an exception with this visit, but it has been resolved. 


If you scroll down to the bottom of your screen, it will give you a color-coded count (in real time) of the status of each visit. It will illustrate the count of statuses including Arrived, Departed, Closed, Cancelled, Door Tag, etc.