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Client Detail Printout

The Client Detail Printout details what has been recorded through Electronic Visit Verification (EVV). This report is a great tool to prepare for auditing. 

To access this report, go to the Main Menu, then click Reporting.

Then click on Client Detail Report.

You will see a Department Dropdown box. This enables you to select all if needed.

Next, choose your Start Date and End Date. 

Then you have the ability to include former holding and deceased clients, include visit notes, and/or include visit details by checking the box next to the appropriate item.

You can then select a specific Client Name or Care Plan. 

You can either select one client by clicking on the client's name and clicking search—

or you can select multiple clients or all clients based on your highlighted selections.

This report should be run monthly. Once the report has been created, it can be exported as an excel file and saved with the month and year in the title. Each tab will represent one client's information. Tabs can be renamed and saved for auditing checks. Please note that for any days that do not have data you will need to acquire a paper timesheet, because that signifies that data was not recorded through Electronic Visit Verification (EVV).